TheAcerGuy website update and Wordpress news
Just a quick update on The Acer Guy website.
The domain's registered (, but I decided to switch to Dreamhost and this will slow down the launch as I can't transfer the name until 60 days from registry.
The site's coming together. I'm doing quite a lot of SEO work on it to make sure it gets a read and also quite a lot of research into the actual content. There may also be videos and perhaps even a "How to... " page at some future date. The only thing that lets it down is the overall design so I might get it covered with some professionally-designed CSS at a later date. It's all practice anyway.
I also trying to find an RSS reader to embed into the home page, with independent Acer news, and that's proving tricky for someone with my level of knowledge... Any suggestions?
The move to Dreamhost also means that The Acer Guy blog will soon move over to Wordpress. I like Blogger but need the kind of functionality offered by Wordpress. As it stands, you can't import blogs from the New Blogger directly so I'm going to have to do that manually too so I don't lose anything.
All in all, we're a couple of months away from launch (he says, crossing his fingers)...
but does wordpress allow people to post comments?or do you have to register?
I've only ever received 1 spam reply and I don't see how registering could encourage partecipation so for now, I'm going to leave it open for everyone.
Thanks for asking though :-)
For the record, WP does give you a choice on how to handle comments. Like I said, I waat it as open as possible, at worst limit it to verification to avoid spamming but no more than that.
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