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Thursday, September 28, 2006

As if to prove a point

Like the title says, If you look at this photo, you'll see it's a 20GB Acer MP340 that's been getting quite a bit of re-circulated articles about how it's the only one out there with Sudoku on it...

OK. I understnd that these sites were pushing the same piece to add content to their own, and while I'm the last person to the work of others, is that all there is to say about it?

The end of the iPod is nigh because of Sudoku? Really? Can't see many Nike-clad joggers lining up for this then...

Normally I'd jump at the chance to write my own review of this but as it's been sitting where it is on my desk for the best part of two weeks, I guess it's not something that's going to happen soon.

Now fair's fair. One of the reasons I haven't unwrapped it yet is that I'm in love with my own iPod. A 6GB iPob mini that my wife bought me a year or so ago.

I have had no experience with other media players so it's going to be like switching from a Nokia to a Motorola. But if there's something I don't like about the iPod it's iTunes (I know they're separate entities but think about the natural link between these two for "the rest of us"). The number of times my iTunes store (Italy) hasn't had something that is freely (in the figurative sense) available in other countries actually gets right up my nose and has contributed to the not-inconsiderable erosion of the appeal of the iPod (simplicity and slickness).

And as my own music tastes have taken me to obscure places like K7, Kompact, Music for Robots or even the brilliant Real Audio from Switzerland, I'm beginning to discover that there's a lot more out there than play-it-safe iTunes.

OK. I'm weird. I have a serious music fever disorder and love everything that has a beat so my tastes aren't exactly mainstream but my move away from mainstream music supply chains just happens to coincide with the arrival of the MP340 on my desk which, as I haven't seen it mentioned in ANY home entertainment magazine or online review, is about as far away from mainstream as you can get.

In fact, maybe it's so uncool that I'll be named a national hero for being brave enough to take it out in public.

It's gotta be worth a try no? OK I'll start unwrapping it right away!

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