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Friday, November 10, 2006

We're gonna need a bigger site - part 2

I’ve slept on it and have decided that The AcerGuy needs a bigger home.

I want to be able to explore everything about Acer, its products, strategies and beliefs but on a more permanent level, then discuss what I find here, where conversation is free to flow.

For example I have persuaded them to lend me a Ferrari 1000 for a while. I have already posted here about the unfavourable review it got over at ShinyShiny (its got a Ferrari badge) and the fact that many preferred other ultraportables because the Ferrari 1000 had an external DVD.

Now you can’t please all the people all the time fair enough but I wanted to find out for myself just what, if any, drawbacks there are to having an external DVD and whether the Ferrari badge really does cramp your style (unlikely in my case).

The problem is at the end of the month this review, along with the others, will be archived away; unceremoniously placed in the folders on the right whose sole purpose is to show how long I managed to stick it out in Web 2.0.

These reviews – any reviews for that matter – deserve a more permanent home. Somewhere they can be used as open references. Then we can discuss.

Hey, I’m a marketing guy. What do I know about web design…? For now I’ll have to make do with (and learn more about) this format. With a bit of luck though, what I write will be interesting enough to stand the test of time.

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