We're gonna need a bigger site.
In my brief time at TheAcerGuy ;-) I have discovered that there are many things about Acer - it's massive array of products, the constantly evolving technologies, the innovative solutions and, well, the general direction of the company itself that simply never see the light of day.
Some might argue it's the job of the middlemen to do the talking.
I say they've got more than enough on their plates already.
I have come to the conclusion that a blog is never going to be enough to satisfy this kamikaze desire to get a fuller message across. This is definitely the place for argument, discussion and discovery, but the fact that a blog is at times as fast as a Ferrari 5000 makes it an unsuitable frame for the bigger picture.
Think about it, today the buzz is all about Empowering Technology, tomorrow it's Vista upgrades. We can talk about it to our heart's content, yet while conversations inevitably move on, values do not.
I can see the need to take this a step further. Videos, reviews, articles, perhaps even a user forum. Oddly enough to many that might look like a step back. I mean, blogs are the thing right?
Well yes, and no.
Like I said, this is the place for news, views and opinions, but it's not the ideal playing field for product reviews, technology analysis and long-term brand values. After all, at the end of each month they're archived (by date) under a hyperlinked rock which is almost never unturned.
A blog works better if it has a solid base to work from, allowing it to draw attention to something a little more permanent and create discussion from it.
So the journey takes it's first twist. Anyone know a good web designer?
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