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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Acer build quality

Here's an interesting forum I ran into today.

NotebookReviews is a site dedicatd to open (sometimes very open) discussions on the quality of products and services from IT manufacturers.

I was looking at the "Acer build quality" forum and thought I'd share this poll with you.


kink_gurl said...

Very helpful link. I'm thinking whether to go for an Acer ( recommended for its price and higher specs compared to others) or a Lenovo/IBM Thinkpad (recommended because they last longer).

Michael Walsh said...

Hey kink_gurl,

Thanks for writing and glad you found the link interesting.

I have a very biased opinion (I work for Acer) but it's also founded on the very real fact that before arriving at Acer, I entrusted my entire career to a series of Acer notebooks. And they never let me down (I managed to blow 2 up!)

Remember that 80% of notebook components are essentially the same, what makes the difference is that final 20% which you will only find by looking carefully into the spec sheets.

The fact that you say IBM/Lenovo laptops "last longer" is open to debate, but if this is how you feel, and that would influence your final choice, you should most definitely put this in the 20% box, and take it from there.

Good luck!

Michael Walsh said...

Re-reading what I just said, I think I need to make a clarification.

When I mentioned 80%, I meant 80% of the components of similarly-priced/specced/targeted laptops from different manufacturers (i.e. ultraportables, high-end multimedia units, entry-level mobile work solutions etc.).

Hope that helps.