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Thursday, February 01, 2007

All change at Dell could help the rest of us

There have been some pretty unsavoury reports over the departure of Kevin Rollins from Dell. A typical article, like this one over on Yahoo! News, focuses more on the recent "fall from grace" of Dell than on any strategic decision or personal motivations for the change, almost attributing the entire blame for Dell’s less-than-first-class results to Mr. Rollins.

Over on Dell’s blog, the tone is much more low-key with Michael Dell giving a quick, 16-second video comment on his new role.

Whilst I’m no financial expert and far be it from me to pass judgement on this decision, the Yahoo! article above underlines just how savagely unhealthy the IT sector is as a whole, and I’m sure Michael Dell’s reappearance will help revitalize both Dell’s fortunes and reinvigorate the market for all of us.

I wish him the best of luck.

1 comment:

Michael Walsh said...

These words are mere expressions of a very real sentiment.

Judging by the articles and opinions of those better informed than myself, it's an excruciatingly difficult moment for the IT sector and the strategies and promises of senior management are under relentless scrutiny and criticism.

I personally "see" the benefit in dialogue and note the changes happening at Dell and the way you are forming a tight-knit community around shared values.

Dell's willingness to engage the public in the choices it makes and directions it takes is something altogether unique and shouldn't be underrated.

That is why I wish you luck, although - in my humble opinion - you're already well on your way towards creating your own.