Alexa's take on the world of IT
As many of you know, I've been getting really interested in Acer's online performance.
No, I'm not talking about SignalUp technology or wireless connectivity.
I'm referring to its sites.
I am a regular visitor to Alexa, which although mind-bogglingly geeky, does give a pretty good view of the world's top websites.
TheAcerGuy isn't there of course, but Acer is, along with its local satellite sites and, more importantly, its competitors.
If you throw in enough addresses, and plot the differences in Word, Excel or whatever, comparing the results can make fascinating reading (if you're in to that sort of thing).
But there's one feature I'm particularly fond of and right now it's showing a major shift. Alexa traffic Rankings gives you the possibility to compare site performance with competitors on the same graph (up to 5 at a time).
Now Acer's at the bottom of my 5 brand list (Dell, HP, Lenovo and Asus) but rather than drawing your attenytion to the bottom (the only way is up!), have a look at what's going on up at the top. All but 1 is stable.
Daily Reach (20/02/2007)
Daily Page Views (20/02/2007)
What on earth is happening to Dell??
OK Page Reach is different to Page Views (can anyone explain this in plain English?) but either way there's a worrying haemorrhage there.
Are you seeing this Richard?
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